As the ISSID aims to cover global research on individual differences, we wish to encourage people from every area in the world to apply for membership.
The ISSID aims to be a truly open society, meaning that we acknowledge diversity in its broadest sense, including diversity of scientific perspectives.
Qualifications for membership
Full Members
Creditable research done in the area of individual differences. Students (including PhD students) should not apply for full membership.
We respectfully remind members that they need to remember to pay their membership dues every two years in order to remain members of ISSID.
The rate for full 2-year membership is £50.00. The student membership rate (for student members, including PhD students) and the reduced rate (for members with an affiliation in a country with a low or low-middle income economy, as rated by the World Bank) is £15.00. This includes:
reduced costs for conference attendance
eligibility to attend pre-conference workshops
ability to advertise and learn about research opportunities and career positions
eligibility to purchase a one-year, hard-copy subscription to Personality and Individual Differences for US $117 via
we are actively exploring ways of facilitating networking, collaboration, communication etc. between members, and other member benefits.
Membership fees are non-refundable.
Those who have been members for 15 years or more and who are aged 65+ can become emeritus members for life on application directly to the secretary/treasurer. Emeritus members pay no membership fees but are entitled to all benefits of membership.
How to apply: existing members who have an online account Members
Please do NOT use the form below. Instead, click on the padlock in the upper right corner of the website. A login window will appear. Log in to renew your membership online. If you forgot your password, you can reset it by clicking on the reset button.
How to apply: new applicants, or members who do not have an online account
Please complete all fields of the membership application form below to ensure that we have your up-to-date details.
New applicants
Your details will be passed to the membership committee who will send you an email to confirm your eligibility. Once you hear that you have been accepted into the Society you can log in and pay your subscription.
Existing members